Thursday, October 29, 2009


in regards to the no new posts for a while, uni semester is coming to a close so im swamped with work, will post new stuff when im done


Thursday, October 22, 2009

old stuff

This is my first ever animation for a 3D modelling and animation class, i know its crap, but the music is good :P it is a new concept iPhone and i chose to make mine a hologram, it kinda worked

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Playblast of first humanoid

Here is a Playblast animation of my first humanoid model in Maya

test email picture

Toolbox i made in maya, first ut3 import :D
this is the toolbox .upk for anyone who wants it

test post

test post from blogger gadget

First Blog

clichéd "hello World" post
in this blog i hope to be uploading my work in 3d and unreal tournament 3